Flying for Victory
The war in Ukraine has push technology forward, especially regarding to drones. Boths sides are using them extensively, but Ukraine keeps pushing the boundaries as to what drones can do, be it in the air, ground, or sea. […]
The war in Ukraine has push technology forward, especially regarding to drones. Boths sides are using them extensively, but Ukraine keeps pushing the boundaries as to what drones can do, be it in the air, ground, or sea. […]
Don’t hesitate to reach out, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer. […]
What was so special about the supplies, is that they were collected by the Ukrainian refugees in my German hometown. So, even when not being in Ukraine, they help their country. […]
Round table in Budapest with field experienced monitoring officers on the results of the project: Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine: Damage to cultural heritage and environment […]
I think there is a possibility of radioactive contamination by further destruction of the nuclear facility by structural fatigue as a result of previous damage. And due to the proximity to the Russian border, shelling and bombing of the nuclear facility can be renewed. […]
Our research revealed the impact of acoustic terror, which can affect the entire population of the city that is under permanent fire from Russia. Local authorities estimate that at the time of the research at least 1,200,000 people lived in the city. […]
Markéta Gregorová, a Czech, originally from the city of Most, became the first European deputy to visit the city of Kharkiv since February 2022. […]
The exhibition was on display in the European Parliament when the European Commission’s proposal for a €50 billion initiative to support Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction and modernisation from 2024 to 2027 was discussed by members of the committees on Budgets and Foreign Affairs on August 30. […]
Матрона Тимофіївна бажає, щоб російські матері та сестри припинили відправляти своїх синів на безглузду війну, тому що їм не потрібно бачити їхню смерть. […]
The results of the detailed mapping will help in the process of preparing for Ukraine’s post-war recovery and reconstruction and will fill the lack of coverage of these two important topics in war crimes research in Ukraine. […]
The dugout collapsed on Ukrainian soldiers and a field doctor hiding in it. The doctor suffered a mild concussion and was wounded in the leg by a fragment of a mine, however her head and her life were saved by the Croatian helmet. […]
May 20, 2023, Prosecutor General of Ukraine filed a criminal indictment for war of aggression against Lieutenant General Andrii Ruzynskyi, Commander of the 11th Army Corps of the Baltic Fleet of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.
Members of Maidan Monitoring Information Center team participated as involved specialists in the investigative and procedural actions of gathering evidence and in further analytical work on the processing of materials that formed the basis of this criminal case, which is being investigated by investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region. […]
In Kahla, in the center of Germany, known as Thuringia, 100 refugees from Ukraine found shelter and help. Since two weeks they are now organized and regularly meet. The Easter event last Sunday was a great way of coming together and enjoy the day. […]
On Friday, 24 February 2023, around 500 Ukrainians, together with German people, met near the Erfurter Dom, a prominent landmark in Thuringia. […]
WHERE: Lviv, Art Center “Dzyga” (Virmenska Str. 35)
WHEN: February 28, 2023, 19.00 […]