Joint Strategy for a Civil Movement to Resist Russian Information Aggression
Main objective of this strategy is promotion of information hygiene as a tool for preservation of cognitive health in Ukrainian society. […]
Main objective of this strategy is promotion of information hygiene as a tool for preservation of cognitive health in Ukrainian society. […]
Russian “holy cow” Victory day is being enforced by reference to the 2nd of May, day when Odesa abrupted spreading of the “Russian spring” towards the south. Russia gladly uses this day to simulate the so-called former glory backed with the constant narrative of “Odeskaya Hatyn” and “neo-Nazi movements” in Ukraine. Based on that, each year escalation forecasts spread over the media and launch waves of panic among the civilians. However, this time the matter would be an information attack itself. […]
Державна російська пропагандистська машина систематично використовує когнітивні упередження для просування штучних соціальних норм в Україні, Європі та скрізь, куди вони можуть досягнути. […]
Назвати площу Льва Толстого і однойменну станцію метро на честь Лук’яненко […]
In honor of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and National Cybersecurity Month in the U.S., I am putting pen to paper some thoughts that may help citizens of both countries defend themselves, ourselves. Here are some top level considerations for self-defense in a now borderless news and information world. […]
For much of the 20th century, and especially after the end of World War II and the emergence of the Cold War, an ideological clash existed between Russia and the West. In fact, the Cold War itself was the culmination of and a sustainable period for this clash of ideologies. […]
На стелі міста Туапсе (Росія), вчора, за день до федеральних виборів з’явилися написи “ПУТІН КРИВАВИЙ”, “ПУТІН ЗЛО” і “ПУТІН ВОРОГ НАРОДУ”. Ну хоч щось то Вони там в Росії роблять.
А в Донецьку, наші продовжують хоч і тихий, але спротив. Сьогодні вночі, з 26 на 27 серпня, в Донецьку донеччани, працівники вже нині закритих окупантами шахт, показали своє ставлення до російських загарбників. Відразу на декількох […]
Хтось боровся (як міг) із режимом Януковича. А три роки тому зненацька опинився у ситуації, коли влада – не ворог, а що з цим робити, ніхто не знає. Хтось завжди був джинсовиком-затійником. […]
Aggression of Russia against Ukraine continuing fourth year. Minsk agreements do not work, shelling in the Eastern Ukraine does not stop for a day, as a result, we have regular losses among Ukrainian military and civilians. […]
They say the best way to compete with the Russian model is by having a better message. […]
We had always attributed cyberattacks to Maidan website to Russians. Current findings confirm our previous conclusions. […]
Freedom of speech and global information war.
What are the markers of the victory in large-scale information war?
Individual and collective emotional defense against the large-scale psychological operations. […]
Believe in the need to strengthen unbiased historical research and to restrain those forces that provoke controversy in our countries, […]
Maidan Monitoring Information Center (MMIC) has published in English recommendations for reform of Ukraine’s international information and communication security; a community-based approach for national roll-out. […]