Notable Quotes on Ukraine and Russia. A plea to Ukrainian American Trump supporters
If you vote for Trump, you may as well be voting for Vladimir Putin and for the demise of a free and independent Ukraine. […]
If you vote for Trump, you may as well be voting for Vladimir Putin and for the demise of a free and independent Ukraine. […]
Моніторинг, що здійснили активісти Громадянського руху “Відсіч” 20 серпня, вразив нахабністю виявлених порушень. […]
The notorious Russian propaganda machine like “Russia Today” or Vladimir Putin himself could not have provided more damning advice than this “Russian expert” for Ukraine and global security. Through disinformation, outright lies and “useful idiots” Russia continues to be a global security menace. […]
The framework is intended for a broad English-speaking audience and presents facts about Ukraine, source terms, concepts and methodologies relevant to the Maidan Movement and the work and legacy of the Maidan Monitoring Information Center. […]
Mass blockings of the Twitter accounts of those Ukrainian users who have active anti-Putin’s mindset and are followed by thousands users is a part of the Russian special operation “Brotherly Peoples”. The goal of this operation is informational deleting Ukrainian patriots who critically and with fact-checking approach regard the idea of reconciliation or “fraternization” with pro-Russian separatists and terrorists being spread. And the final goal of this special operation is destabilization of the situation in Ukraine and “regime changing” to pro-Russian government. […]
Those people will be able to negotiate peace with neighbours. In occupied territories, in Russia. Using the values and interests, not the conflicts and differences, as negotiation starting points. Like in the history pictured in the “Bridge of spies” movie. “We have to have the conversations our governments can’t”. […]
It is very important from the peacebuilding point of view. When we are reporting on facts, we cannot allow for such manipulation as Andre and have demonstrated you using this is a very typical news piece about the Pope and Putin. There are lots more cases like this in Ukraine-Russia conflict and other conflicts obviously. If we stick with facts, we will win the war for objective reporting. We will sanitize the media and diminish the level of fear and panic. I think it is very important. […]
Discussion points for the public debate on INFOWAR AND INFORMATION SECURITY. PROPAGANDA AND NEW MEDIA held in the framework of the Kyiv Dialogue project in Kharkiv on May 19, 2015. […]
Harsh criticism of Ukrainian government at this moment and without deep insight into the situation, secret to general public, is therefore inappropriate and premature. […]
I do not consider the times of changes a curse as an ancient Chinese proverb says. These times provide a chance to unheard advances of human talent and of the countries these humans create. We have the chance to build the new country, friendly for its inhabitants, interesting for the world, open for friends and safeguarded against enemies. I know Ukraine will make a great use of this chance; the open question is when exactly? The systemic transformations should be implemented quickly; otherwise, reforms could take decades. […]