English Articles

Under the Nuclear Shadow. Documentary film.

In the northern part of Kharkiv city, 22 kilometers from the Ukrainian-Russian border, lies the verdant campus of Piatyhatky. Since 2022, this region housing nuclear facilities has been subjected to consistent Russian bombardment.
Amidst this ongoing threat of nuclear catastrophe, how do the residents endure? How do they perceive their future?
What prospects do scientists have in such an environment? How does warfare impact the natural world? What activities do children engage in? And what source of strength allows individuals to persevere? […]


Matrona Timofijivna, born in Kursk

Матрона Тимофіївна бажає, щоб російські матері та сестри припинили відправляти своїх синів на безглузду війну, тому що їм не потрібно бачити їхню смерть. […]