
Roman Serbyn. Holodomor: The Ukrainian Genocide

The first scholar to posit a conceptual framework for analyzing what we now call “the Holodomor” was Raphael Lemkin. A renowned authority on international law, well versed in the Soviet legal system, Lemkin called upon his vast knowledge of the political realities in the Soviet Union to give  a  penetrating  insight  into  the  mechanics  of the Ukrainian tragedy in his essay entitled “Soviet Genocide in the Ukraine.” […]


Вклонімося великим тим рокам. Забуті герої Другої Світової.

      За всіх часів  зустрічаються герої. Це особлива каста людей, здатна в будь-який момент прийти на допомогу і стати муром на захист Вітчизни. Їх життя настільки не підвладне ніяким правилам, що іноді схоже на міф. […]

English Articles

Mass Blocking of the Ukrainian Users Twitter Accounts start Russian Operation “Brotherly Peoples”

Mass blockings of the Twitter accounts of those Ukrainian users who have active anti-Putin’s mindset and are followed by thousands users is a part of the Russian special operation “Brotherly Peoples”. The goal of this operation is informational deleting Ukrainian patriots who critically and with fact-checking approach regard the idea of reconciliation or “fraternization” with pro-Russian separatists and terrorists being spread. And the final goal of this special operation is destabilization of the situation in Ukraine and “regime changing” to pro-Russian government. […]