English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 10.

Today’s shelling was more intense than yesterday. Hot neighborhoods again: Saltivka, Northern Saltivka, Rohan, Horizon, New Houses and the village of Zhukovsky. According to the City Council, the restoration of heat in the village of Zhukovsky, in KHAI, in Pomirky, as well as in MZhK “Internationalist” (Krychevsky) will only be possible after the war. Communications there have been destroyed.  […]

English Articles

Information Self-help Groups as Information Security School Development

Information Security School is the response of Maidan Monitoring Information Center to the challenges facing Ukrainian society and the state, including a hybrid war, and the COVID-19 pandemic, and the bad governance, and the tendency of the majority of the society to believe in all sorts of miracles.
We teach people information hygiene skills, practices of organizing and supporting groups with common interests, skills of effective communication with opponents, and practices of safe existence in information and cyberspace. […]


Законопроект про Корінні народи Криму викликав серйозне занепокоєння противника.

Росіяни (московити, зденаціоналізовані або природні) – практично ніде не корінні народи, окрім маленьких частин центральних губерній.
А українська ініціатива – це сигнал корінним народам Росії на тему “а що, так можна було?”. […]

English Articles

Here we go again: How Russia exploits the same scenario for recurring information attacks on Ukraine

Russian “holy cow” Victory day is being enforced by reference to the 2nd of May, day when Odesa abrupted spreading of the “Russian spring” towards the south. Russia gladly uses this day to simulate the so-called former glory backed with the constant narrative of “Odeskaya Hatyn” and “neo-Nazi movements” in Ukraine. Based on that, each year escalation forecasts spread over the media and launch waves of panic among the civilians. However, this time the matter would be an information attack itself. […]

English Articles

Cognitive biases as a weapon of Russian information war

Державна російська пропагандистська машина систематично використовує когнітивні упередження для просування штучних соціальних норм в Україні, Європі та скрізь, куди вони можуть досягнути.  […]