How European leaders should deal with Trump
European leaders must quickly get their act together and act, trying to prevent the worst and to hope for an outcome that is more or less acceptable. […]
European leaders must quickly get their act together and act, trying to prevent the worst and to hope for an outcome that is more or less acceptable. […]
Freedom of speech and global information war.
What are the markers of the victory in large-scale information war?
Individual and collective emotional defense against the large-scale psychological operations. […]
Believe in the need to strengthen unbiased historical research and to restrain those forces that provoke controversy in our countries, […]
Моніторинг, що здійснили активісти Громадянського руху “Відсіч” 20 серпня, вразив нахабністю виявлених порушень. […]
Mass blockings of the Twitter accounts of those Ukrainian users who have active anti-Putin’s mindset and are followed by thousands users is a part of the Russian special operation “Brotherly Peoples”. The goal of this operation is informational deleting Ukrainian patriots who critically and with fact-checking approach regard the idea of reconciliation or “fraternization” with pro-Russian separatists and terrorists being spread. And the final goal of this special operation is destabilization of the situation in Ukraine and “regime changing” to pro-Russian government. […]
Some wonder when the next Maidan will occur in Ukraine. I hope there will be no need for this extreme protest technology as our country is set on a solid path of transit to democracy. However, every new Ukrainian government should know for sure – the Ukrainian people will stand up again, if we see fundamental violations of democracy. […]
A cat is fighting – this is not a metaphor. The cats are working as psychologists (or a “walking happiness” as per words of one of the battalion commanders). The cats are hunting mice and rats that are found in hundreds at the military steppes posts. […]
We offer to hold the first ” Maidan for NATO ” civic movement Forum in Kharkiv on September 20, 2014. We are also ready to organize the event. […]
Croatia has gained independence only recently, nevertheless during Middle ages it was independent state and even after losing independence, it retained certain degree of autonomy up to the First world war. This means that through the most of its history Croatian nobility existed and Croatian soldiers had chance to fight for its homeland, not merely for the foreign ruler.
Prepared by N.Zubar and O.Severyn. NGO “Maidan Monitoring” information center for Annual Human Rights report 2013 […]
March 12 2013 during the 6th Maidan Reload discussion leading NGO experts from Kharkiv, Kyiv and Lviv debated the question whether EU should sign the Association Agreement with Ukraine which is experiencing rapid deterioration in observance of human rights. Two opposite views were presented. […]