English Articles

Celebrating the International Day of Factchecking!

So, let’s meet the amazing team of the maidan.org.ua, experienced in promoting information hygiene and running campaigns combating disinformation. They are now garnering civic leaders’ support and creating grass-roots self-help groups against the pandemic to build on the strong ties in communities and to raise awareness about the avalanche of COVID 19-related fake news. […]

English Articles

Cognitive biases as a weapon of Russian information war

Державна російська пропагандистська машина систематично використовує когнітивні упередження для просування штучних соціальних норм в Україні, Європі та скрізь, куди вони можуть досягнути.  […]

English Articles

Defend yourself against Soviets

In honor of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and National Cybersecurity Month in the U.S., I am putting pen to paper some thoughts that may help citizens of both countries defend themselves, ourselves. Here are some top level considerations for self-defense in a now borderless news and information world. […]