In the memory of the wonderful raid of Czechs on Kharkiv.
Markéta Gregorová, a Czech, originally from the city of Most, became the first European deputy to visit the city of Kharkiv since February 2022. […]
Markéta Gregorová, a Czech, originally from the city of Most, became the first European deputy to visit the city of Kharkiv since February 2022. […]
In the last 30 years, the level of debt in Russia rose to galactic levels, quality of life dropped decades into history. As in the case of Buryats, whose mass debt and hopelessness drive them into the Russian army by thousands. […]
ven today, however, many Western strategists and politicians are reluctant to send Ukraine the weapons that could help it decisively destroy the Russian invasion. They should learn from historical precedents and, instead of relying on futile peace negotiations, do everything possible to provide Ukraine with all the necessary means to completely eradicate the Russian war machine in Ukraine. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put an end to Russian expansionist ambitions that should not be missed. […]
Many minds are now aiming to understand Putin’s goals and to design a tactic for responding to Putin’s pressure. Ukrainian MPs and authorities are often asked how they see Ukraine can be supported. Here a perspective is shown which probably has insufficient attention in the discussions. […]
Forum presentations will address hybrid threats, information warfare, the “Russian world” concept, Russian military and political doctrine, infodemic, fake news, journalism in context of hybrid wars, etc.
Forum discussions will involve scientists, politicians, experts, civil activists from different regions of Ukraine and European countries.
We will discuss hybrid threats for Ukraine, Europe and the whole world. […]
Росіяни (московити, зденаціоналізовані або природні) – практично ніде не корінні народи, окрім маленьких частин центральних губерній.
А українська ініціатива – це сигнал корінним народам Росії на тему “а що, так можна було?”. […]
April 14, 2021 we continued to discuss the different aspects of national security in time of hybrid war. This time we focused on the NATO – Ukraine Cooperation. […]
A unique Russian vessel threatens not merely the vessel’s staff but the ecology of the Baltics, which can be seriously affected if pipelines laid using “unique Russian technology” crack or otherwise fail when already in operation. […]
On November 29-30, 2019, the Second International Security Forum “Fight for Minds in the Time of Hybrid Wars” will take place in Kharkiv. We invite you to discuss different issues of hybrid threats, ideology, public opinion manipulation, promotion techniques of enemy’s ideas under democratic rule and information society. […]
For both the Czech Republic and the EU, Ukrainian experience is important because the methods that were and are being used by Russia against Ukraine are similar to those used by Russia in other countries. […]
In honor of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and National Cybersecurity Month in the U.S., I am putting pen to paper some thoughts that may help citizens of both countries defend themselves, ourselves. Here are some top level considerations for self-defense in a now borderless news and information world. […]
Aggression of Russia against Ukraine continuing fourth year. Minsk agreements do not work, shelling in the Eastern Ukraine does not stop for a day, as a result, we have regular losses among Ukrainian military and civilians. […]
Ветеран АТО и представитель общественного объединения «Украинская народная рада Донетчины и Луганщины» Виталий Овчаренко – один из тех, кого «русский мир» лишил дома в Донецке, поубивал его друзей, и бросил в подвалы – всего лишь за то, что не отреклись от своего украинского гражданства. Он встречался с солдатами России в боях за Дебальцево, и потому не согласен с версией Путина о том, что на востоке нашей страны продолжается «внутренний конфликт». […]
They say the best way to compete with the Russian model is by having a better message. […]
We feel that Kharkiv can become a place where we might discuss the most actual issues concerning the future of Europe and the world as a whole. […]