Starting March 10, 2022 the team of Maidan Monitoring Information Center documents Russian war crimes in Kharkiv city and region. We focus on destruction of Ukrainian civil infrastructure by the Russian munition.
We are making photos and videos while helping the Ukrainian state investigators to document Russian war crimes in Ukraine as a part of pretrial criminal investigation.
We do not publish the majority of photos and videos we make for security reasons.
How it started
The project was launched as a result of a personal experience of a Secretary of our organization Serhii Petrov, read more – Countering Russian aggression with a camera and continued by our Chair Nataliya Zubar, read more Ukrainian Woman Has Footage She Hopes Will Be Used In War Crime Trials
Later other members of our organization and partners joined our team.
A criminal indictment for war of aggression against Lieutenant General Andrii Ruzynskyi
May 20, 2023, Prosecutor General of Ukraine filed a criminal indictment for war of aggression against Lieutenant General Andrii Ruzynskyi, Commander of the 11th Army Corps of the Baltic Fleet of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. Between March and July, 2022, Ruzynskyi served as the Commander of the Russian military unit “Balakliya” and ordered Russian troops under his command to break through Ukraine’s sovereign border for the purpose of initiating the full-scale invasion, capture and occupation of the Kharkiv region.
Members of Maidan Monitoring Information Center team participated as involved specialists in the investigative and procedural actions of gathering evidence and in further analytical work on the processing of materials that formed the basis of this criminal proceeding, which is being investigated by investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.
Read more Russian general who had been occupying the Kharkiv region is indicted for war of aggression
Five senior officers charged with the first act of nuclear terrorism in human history
February 13, 2024, a criminal indictment for the first act of nuclear terrorism in human history was filed against five high-ranking and senior officer of the Russian army for shelling the territory of the Kharkiv Physical and Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which Russian troops systematically attacked from March 6 to the beginning of September 2022.
This indictment is a result of an enormous amount of work of investigators, prosecutors, experts and independent specialists, which lasted for almost two years, in which the Kharkiv team of Maidan Monitoring Information Center was involved, in particular Serhiy Petrov and Nataliya Zubar. For us, this is a great honour, a great challenge and a civic duty.
Read more here “Five Russian top officers are indicted for bombing and shelling a nuclear facility in Kharkiv” (in Ukrainian)
September 2024, this criminal case was moved to court. Damage to the nuclear facility could have caused an environmental disaster. The digital evidence, collected, among others, by experts from the Maidan Monitoring Information Center, is used to prove the criminal intent of the Russian officers.
Documentary films
Checkpoint Little Rohan
“Checkpoint Little Rohan” documentary follows the activities of three boys ages 9, 10 and 11 years in the village of Mala (Little) Rohan of the Kharkiv region in Ukraine during August-September 2022. The kids survived the occupation of their village by the Russian Army for one month in February-March 2022. Click for more details.
Under the Nuclear Shadow
In the northern part of Kharkiv city, 22 kilometers from the Ukrainian-Russian border, lies the verdant campus of Piatyhatky. Since 2022, this region housing nuclear facilities has been subjected to consistent Russian bombardment. Amidst this ongoing threat of nuclear catastrophe, how do the residents endure? How do they perceive their future? Click for more details.
We produce analytical reports based on the results of our work.
- First summary of monitoring the destruction of civil infrastructure in Kharkiv by Russian bombing and shelling. (Analysis of targets)
- The Destruction of Hospitals in Kharkiv by Russia’s Shelling and Air Strikes
- The Destruction of Schools in Kharkiv and the Kharkiv Region by Russian Shelling and Air Strikes
- Acoustic terror of the Russian Federation
- Humanitarian disaster in Izyum
- What does it mean to live in Piatykhatky during the war
Our publications
We are publishing detailed info on documented crimes you can look for them here.
Useful reference
NOTICE in criminal proceedings related to the Russian Federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine
The notice contains a brief systematic description of the pretrial investigation in criminal proceedings carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the definitions of the main terms, rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the assignment of functions between the investigator and the prosecutor.
Our partners
Since March 29, 2022, we have been helped by our long-term partners – the Czech NGO Team 4 Ukraine. Czech criminologists, analysts, photographers and journalists help us. It was they who convinced the Czech Criminology Society to donate us the Autel drone, it was they who donated us the first car during the life of our organization. Together with them, we are working on documenting the long-term consequences of the war in Ukraine for culture and nature.
Together with them, we prepared and presented the tenth edition of our photo exhibition “Fracture” in the European Parliament.
Our organisation participates in the environmental coalition “Stop Poisoning Ukraine” and receives expert help from partners in the investigation of crimes of ecocide (Article 441 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Starting 2023, our efforts are supported by our dear friends from the USA Sunflower F.U.N.D.
We have been organising photo exhibitions using a tiny amount of impressive photos we make.

Visit the exhibition startpage FRACTURE. Documents from Kharkiv
You can see select videos on our channel:
Meet our team

Select media coverage of our work
- 50vidsotkiv :: Наталія Зубар: Документування воєнних злочинів — це марафон, а не спринт
- AKTUALNE.CZ :: Rusové ve školách hrozili dětem, že přijdou o rodiče
- ARTE.TV :: Ukraine : les enquêteurs de l’ombre
- Britské Listy :: Rozhovor Britských listů 619. Ukrajina – v dnešní době
- CeskaTelevize :: Z vozovny tramvajový hřbitov. Charkovské depo s českými vozy zasáhly stovky ruských raket
- CHARTER97 :: Наталья Зубар: Украинская артиллерия под Харьковом разбивает российскую технику
- Dagblad Trouw :: Charkiv zucht onder nieuw Russisch wapen: de zweefbom
- Deník :: „Jsme připravení zemřít.“ Charkovští vzdorují agresi s mobilem v ruce, pomáhají jim i Češi
- DW :: Програма “єВідновлення”: постраждалих багато, грошей мало
- INFOSECURITY.SK :: Analytik ruského vplyvu: Rusko napadlo náš svet. Buď pomôžeme Ukrajine, alebo ho stratíme v podobe, v akej ho poznáme
- KHARKIV TODAY :: Харківські документатори допомагають слідству запроторити Путіна до в’язниці
- McCAIN INSTITUTE :: Meet The People Helping Prosecute War Crimes in Ukraine
- MediaPort :: «Розбитий будинок не бреше, вирва не бреше», — Наталія Зубар
- NEW EASTERN EUROPE :: A fortress in the east. Notes from Kharkiv in September 2022
- NEWSY :: Ukrainian Woman Has Footage She Hopes Will Be Used In War Crime Trials
- Novinky.CZ :: Z 20 tisíc unesených dětí se jich na Ukrajinu vrátilo 400. Zbytek násilně rusifikují
- Radio Praha :: Кримінолог Петр Пойман: документування воєнних злочинів росіян запобігає ризикові наближення війни до Чехії
- Radio Praha :: Чеський кримінолог: фронт в Україні посувається, злочини треба фіксувати негайно
- RTS :: Près de Kharkiv, une femme documente chaque jour les bombardements
- RZECZ POSPOLITA :: Natalia Zubar: Polska robi, co może, ale świat nie
- SCRIPPS NEWS :: Citizen war crimes investigator in Ukraine risks life for justice
- Seznam Zprávy :: Akustický teror. Rusové přesně vědí, kdy a jak vyvolají největší muka
- Seznam Zpravy :: Ruští velitelé jsou devianti, říká Čech, který byl svědkem exhumace v Izjumu English translation – Russian commanders are deviants, says a Czech criminologist who witnessed the bodies exhumation in Izyum
- Seznam Zpravy :: Tisíc zločinů na jednoho vyšetřovatele. Jak potrestat zvěrstva z Ukrajiny?
- THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR :: Amid war, Kharkiv residents repair city and plan its restoration
- THE ECONOMIST :: Despite a ferocious bombardment, Kharkiv has held out
- THE SUNDAY POST :: War in Ukraine: In the rubble and ruins, nothing is untouched in the villages Russian troops left behind
- TOKYO SHIMBUN :: Schools and shopping malls are debris … Kharkov citizens’ groups in Ukraine shoot videos and collect evidence of war crimes
- UNHERD :: The demolition of Kharkiv, by David Patrikarakos
- UNHERD :: Why Ukraine’s counter-offensive is working
- VOX :: How Russia’s invasion transformed one Ukrainian city
- WIKIPEDIA SIGNPOST :: Countering Russian aggression with a camera
- Wyborcza.PL :: Wystawa fotografii “Okaleczona” Ukraina i wręczenie nagrody Olsztynianin Roku
- Армія Inform :: Воєнні злочини російських окупантів документує «Майдан Моніторинг»
- ВЕЛИКА ІСТОРІЯ:: «Це свідчення для суду». Як харків’яни стають на захист своїх пам’яток
- Голос Америки :: “Насильство є частиною повсякденної комунікації у великій частині російського суспільства”. Інтерв’ю з чеським кримінологом Петром Пойманом
- НВ :: Не лише музей Сковороди. Як росіяни воюють із культурною спадщиною у Харківській області
- РАДІО НАКИПІЛО :: Документатор воєнних злочинів, секретар Правління інформаційного центру Cергій Петров
- СПЕКТР :: «Бьют тех, кто системно оказывает сопротивление». Как Харьков под обстрелами российской армии живет, наводит порядок и готовится к будущим трибуналам
- Українське радіо :: Фотовиставка “Розлам. Документи із Харкова” в Європарламенті.
Who supports this project
Since April 2023, this project has been supported only by private donations. Every contribution is important to us and we are always short of money, click to see how you can support us.
Starting July 2022 until April 2023 this project have funded by Crown Agents International Development.
We express our deepest gratitude to the European Union and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation for supporting this project during the initial stage (March – June, 2022).
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This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Maidan Monitoring Information Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.