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lapsus - ляпсус

03/16/2008 | stefan
lapsus I lāpsus, a, um к labor I II lāpsus, ūs [labor I ] 1) скольжение, медленное, плавное движение (l. rotarum ; volvuntur sidera lapsu ) ; течение (lacūs ; torrentium ) ; истечение (semĭnis ) ; ползание (draconum ; vitis ) ; полёт (volucrum ) 2) падение, обвал (terrae ; montium ) lapsus scalarum — падение со ступенек sustinēre se a lapsu — удержаться от падения 3) выпадение (dentium ) 4) ушиб от падения (ulcĕra lapsūsque ) 5) ошибка, ложный шаг, недосмотр, погрешность (populares multi variique lapsūs )
ляпсус -у, Промах, упущення, груба помилка, що часто є наслідком необачності, легковажності.

ляп 1) -у, Промах, помилка. 2) , Уживається як присудок за ляпати 1), 2). •• Тяп та ляп — див. тяп.
lapsus [] , -sus formal a lapse or error Etymology: from Latin: LAPSE
lapse [] 1) a drop in standard of an isolated or temporary nature a lapse of justice 2) a break in occurrence, usage, etc a lapse of five weeks between letters 3) a gradual decline or a drop to a lower degree, condition, or state a lapse from high office 4) a moral fall 5) law the termination of some right, interest, or privilege, as by neglecting to exercise it or through failure of some contingency 6) insurance the termination of coverage following a failure to pay the premiums () 7) to drop in standard or fail to maintain a norm 8) to decline gradually or fall in status, condition, etc 9) to be discontinued, esp through negligence or other failure 10) (usually foll by into) to drift or slide (into a condition) to lapse into sleep 11) (often foll by from) to turn away (from beliefs or norms) 12) law (of a devise or bequest) to become void, as on the beneficiary's predeceasing the testator 13) (of time) to slip away • Etymology: from Latin lāpsus error, from lābī to glide Derived words: lapsable or lapsible ; lapsed ; lapser

Інколи вживають слово "ляпус" замість "ляпсус".
В ABBYY Lingvo 12 слова "ляпус" не знайшов.
В словнику Ожегова теж саме.

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