МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


08/30/2011 | stryjko_bojko
Халя́ва — 1.верхня частина чобота, яка прикриває гомілку.
2.безплатний товар, послуга.
3.синекура - з латин. sinecura

sinecure(англ.) "A position that requires no work but still gives an ample payment; a cushy job."

истор. в средневековой Европе церковная должность, приносившая доход, но не связанная для получившего её с какими-либо обязанностями или хотя бы с необходимостью находиться в месте служения

А ось цікава етимологія з англійської:
bootleg - халява
from the carrying of bottles of smuggled spirit in the legs of boots
cлово "cushy" - тепле місце, також цікаве:
cush·y (ksh)
adj. cush·i·er, cush·i·est Informal
Making few demands; comfortable: a cushy job.
[Origin unknown.]
cushi·ly adv.
cushi·ness n.
Word History: Since cushy has a breezy American ring, it is difficult to believe that it is an import, as some etymologists claim. Members of the British army in India are supposed to have picked up the Anglo-Indian version of the Hindi word hu, meaning "pleasant," to which the suffix -y, as in empty and sexy, was added to form a new English word. Cushy, however, was first recorded in a letter from the European battlefront during World War I. This fact, in conjunction with our inability to find an Anglo-Indian source, casts some doubt on the Hindi or Anglo-Indian origin of cushy. Two other possibilities are that cushy is a shortening of cushion with the -y suffix or that it is a borrowing of French couchée, "lying down; a bed."
в дописі використно:
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, вікісловники та ін.

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