PWC: What is the purpose of business?
Ukraine erupted into violent conflict at the beginning of 2014 and many lives have since been lost. How might it have been if PWC had lent their support when most needed? […]
Ukraine erupted into violent conflict at the beginning of 2014 and many lives have since been lost. How might it have been if PWC had lent their support when most needed? […]
The question they need to decide is “quo vadis” — where are you going? Are you going to support Ukraine in a consequential and effectual manner in defending itself against Russia? […]
That takes some soul searching: why is liberal democracy the best way to organize governance? Why is globalization a blessing more than a curse? What are international institutions for? […]
Voting against Israel was both immoral and politically inexpedient for Ukraine. Despite obvious US pressure, Ukraine should have abstained. Now, Ukraine needs to mend its relations with Israel. […]
European leaders must quickly get their act together and act, trying to prevent the worst and to hope for an outcome that is more or less acceptable. […]
Believe in the need to strengthen unbiased historical research and to restrain those forces that provoke controversy in our countries, […]
Every time the west decides not to push back against Russian aggression and provocation, Russia learns the lesson that aggression and brinkmanship do pay off. […]
Grand coalition is parting ways on Russia sanctions. Merkel in favor of Syria sanctions, SPD (Steinmeier) against. […]
The Holocaust was unique. But every genocide is” sui generis”. Ukraine has long ago recognized the Holocaust as genocide. Israel has not recognized the Holodomor as such. […]
The diplomatic breakthrough that allowed Germany to reunify happened on May 31, 1990, in a meeting between US President George H. W. Bush and Soviet leader Michael Gorbachev in the White House. […]
If you vote for Trump, you may as well be voting for Vladimir Putin and for the demise of a free and independent Ukraine. […]
The framework is intended for a broad English-speaking audience and presents facts about Ukraine, source terms, concepts and methodologies relevant to the Maidan Movement and the work and legacy of the Maidan Monitoring Information Center. […]
Mass blockings of the Twitter accounts of those Ukrainian users who have active anti-Putin’s mindset and are followed by thousands users is a part of the Russian special operation “Brotherly Peoples”. The goal of this operation is informational deleting Ukrainian patriots who critically and with fact-checking approach regard the idea of reconciliation or “fraternization” with pro-Russian separatists and terrorists being spread. And the final goal of this special operation is destabilization of the situation in Ukraine and “regime changing” to pro-Russian government. […]
Those people will be able to negotiate peace with neighbours. In occupied territories, in Russia. Using the values and interests, not the conflicts and differences, as negotiation starting points. Like in the history pictured in the “Bridge of spies” movie. “We have to have the conversations our governments can’t”. […]
Meanwhile the Polish market is being slowly captured by Gasprom subsidiaries, especially by the same Gasprom Germany which owns also 50% of Wingas — by concluding numerous long-term contracts with municipalities of cities providing for supply of liquefied gas for the needs of city transport and municipal economies. Among such cities are Warsaw, Srem and Olshtyn. Probably there are more of those as contracts may be concluded through numerous Cyprus and German enterprises like Cryogas M&T Poland that are related to Gasprom. […]