English Articles

The Western Strategy for the War in Ukraine – Croatian Lesson

ven today, however, many Western strategists and politicians are reluctant to send Ukraine the weapons that could help it decisively destroy the Russian invasion. They should learn from historical precedents and, instead of relying on futile peace negotiations, do everything possible to provide Ukraine with all the necessary means to completely eradicate the Russian war machine in Ukraine. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put an end to Russian expansionist ambitions that should not be missed. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 53 (17.04.2022)

Another difficult day for the city of Kharkiv and its residents. While there is less shelling in the city, the attacks have become more insidious and much more unexpected. Today there are many dead and wounded, again. But there is good news as well. The monument to Zhukov, the bloody Marshal of the USSR, has finally been dismantled. There is also good news from the front around Kharkiv. […]