Volunteers: Welcome to Lviv!
Don’t hesitate to reach out, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer. […]
Don’t hesitate to reach out, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer. […]
What was so special about the supplies, is that they were collected by the Ukrainian refugees in my German hometown. So, even when not being in Ukraine, they help their country. […]
Markéta Gregorová, a Czech, originally from the city of Most, became the first European deputy to visit the city of Kharkiv since February 2022. […]
The dugout collapsed on Ukrainian soldiers and a field doctor hiding in it. The doctor suffered a mild concussion and was wounded in the leg by a fragment of a mine, however her head and her life were saved by the Croatian helmet. […]
In Kahla, in the center of Germany, known as Thuringia, 100 refugees from Ukraine found shelter and help. Since two weeks they are now organized and regularly meet. The Easter event last Sunday was a great way of coming together and enjoy the day. […]
On Friday, 24 February 2023, around 500 Ukrainians, together with German people, met near the Erfurter Dom, a prominent landmark in Thuringia. […]
Besides the medical training Task Force Yankee provides to the Ukrainian Security Forces, we recently were able to help refugees. […]
The focus of operations, conducted by Task Force Yankee Ukraine are TC3, the so-called Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Until today, over 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been trained to conduct firsthand medical care on themselves and others. […]
Two weeks after the start of the journey, the package with 10 helmets and two flags of Croatia and Slovenia reached its destination in Kharkiv. Since most MMIC members here had already got their helmets, we decided to share 8 helmets with civilian volunteers who provide humanitarian aid to people in the most war-affected areas of Kharkiv city and region. […]
I encourage you, going forward, not to look at our community with entitlement, but with personal responsibility. […]
На окупованих РФ територіях України патріоти провели акції присвячені роспіареному в Росії “Дню визволення Донбасу від німецько-фашистських загарбників”. […]
Поранений Володимир, 44 роки, він доброволець. Воював у складі батальйону «Дніпро-1», згодом підписав контракт з 25 бригадою ЗСУ. Отримав поранення на бойовому завданні між Горлівкою та Зайцевим. […]
Ukraine erupted into violent conflict at the beginning of 2014 and many lives have since been lost. How might it have been if PWC had lent their support when most needed? […]
Less known is the fact that EuroMaidan went beyond the Independence Square in Kyiv. It also took place in eastern Ukraine. […]
European leaders must quickly get their act together and act, trying to prevent the worst and to hope for an outcome that is more or less acceptable. […]