Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 27 (22.03.2022)
Today was overall quieter than yesterday, although not all neighborhoods felt this silence. Still, there weren’t too many raids. […]
Today was overall quieter than yesterday, although not all neighborhoods felt this silence. Still, there weren’t too many raids. […]
Our special attention is focused on proper documentation of continued airstrikes of residential areas, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, historical monuments, and other civilian life support objects. […]
The Muscovites have changed their tactics in the last few days. Most active shelling of the residential areas now occurs in the evenings rather than mornings. […]
Today was a relatively quiet day in Kharkiv. Heavy shelling of the suburbs resumed in the evening. […]
Another day of the Muscovite attack on the city. It was almost indistinguishable from the previous day, at least in terms of the intensity of the shelling. […]
Today was quiet compared to the last few days, which saw heavy bombardment of many of the city’s neighborhoods, but I wouldn’t say it was calm exactly. […]
It was probably the hardest day for the city in the last week. […]
In general, the day passed rather quietly, although the air raid siren about the threat of shelling was constantly going off. The pig-dogs became more active in the evening, directing most of their shelling at Northern Saltivka and the numbered microdistrict of Saltivka. […]
The day began with an air raid siren at 4:30 AM. In short, this is the favorite time of the Russian attacks – after waking up to begin pounding on the city. Actually they were keyed up this morning and into the evening. Traditionally, the most actively shelled were Northern Saltivka and the numbered micro districts of Saltivka, but today Derhachi and parts of Oleksiyivka and Pavlove Pole also experienced a lot of shelling. […]
The issue of supplying Ukraine with air firepower has reached a level of nonsense rhetoric. Vice President Harris left this morning for Poland to address this issue. Aside from the fact that VP Harris has […]
Every individual can become a part of this effort from the comfort of his/her own home. We have witnessed the limits of diplomacy – both in speed and scope of action. Civil society is not bound by the same set of rules and this is how we can play an active and effective role. […]
For the first time in 13 days, it’s quiet in the city. It feels weird. The pause allows for more active evacuation of those who have decided to leave the city and to bring in supplies for the military, medicine, food, and more. As city residents have noted, thanks to the lower intensity of shelling, deliveries of food and other necessities are gradually improving. […]
The night began with an air raid and shelling. The hottest was in Saltivka and Oleksiyivka. In Saltivka the strikes and shells went all the way to the Novoslatovsky market – near TRK Ukraina, which is already on the border between the microdistrict and Saltivka settlements (private or two-, three-storey buildings). […]
Today’s shelling was more intense than yesterday. Hot neighborhoods again: Saltivka, Northern Saltivka, Rohan, Horizon, New Houses and the village of Zhukovsky. According to the City Council, the restoration of heat in the village of Zhukovsky, in KHAI, in Pomirky, as well as in MZhK “Internationalist” (Krychevsky) will only be possible after the war. Communications there have been destroyed. […]
In a previous writing I referred to a metaphor of us being like ants which I borrowed from a Ukrainian in southern Ukraine under constant fire. If we follow that paradigm and each work tirelessly, doing simply what we are meant to do, we will prevail. And Ukraine and the world will be saved. That is not hyperbole. […]