English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 104 (07.06.2022)

The muscovite shelling of Kharkiv continues, affecting the northern outskirts of the city, particularly Saltivka, as well as Oleksiyivka, which was shelled twice in one day. Also struck twice in one day was Zhuravlivka. Two missiles landed in Kharkiv in the late evening, one of them destroying the supermarket that served the southeastern outskirts of the city. A threat of artillery attack on Kharkiv lasted for about six hours. It had never lasted this long before; meanwhile, multiple unrelated air raid alarms went off during that time. The muscovites’ campaign to destroy civil infrastructure (stores, education and medical establishments, and residential districts) along with forced deportation of the population to moscovia—prioritizing children—aims to depopulate the parts of Ukraine where fighting is taking place and deprive these territories of a future. For the first time in a while, police arrested sellers of humanitarian-aid items at the central market. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 97 (31.05.2022)

От завершився травень та календарна весна – входимо в українське літо. Поодинокі обстріли Харкова продовжуються – по північним околицям. Сильні обстріли смт Золочів, є загиблі та поранені. Військові зазначають, що зберігається загроза відновлення наступальних дій московитів на Харків. Міський голова Терехов заявив, що вважає за доцільне, щоби харків’янам, які лишилися без житла, були виплачені грошові компенсації за житло і майно, і щоби люди самі вирішили де вони будуть жити.У Харкові лишилося приблизно 20% школярів, але до онлайн-уроків підключається приблизно 90%. На Харківщині пошкоджено понад 200 шкіл (з 715 шкіл по області, тобто 30%), з них зруйновані – близько 100 шкіл. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 90 (24.05.2022)

Kharkiv has been defending itself, living, and counterattacking for three months. Still, the shelling of the city, as well as its northern suburbs, has been ongoing for three months. Fighting continues to the north of the city, and another Territorial Defense battalion is being formed to fortify the defenses. The metro has been relaunched in Kharkiv, but the train stock has had some losses. Since the beginning of the large-scale muscovite invasion of Ukraine, 707 people, including 36 children, have been killed in the Kharkiv region. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 89 (23.05.2022)

The shelling of Kharkiv continues, with low-intensity, singular strikes in the northern outskirts of the city and in the northern suburbs. There were also strikes near the city center, as well as in Merefa, which is south of Kharkiv. About 3,500 residential buildings and 420 office buildings have been damaged and destroyed in Khariv. Preparations to relaunch the metro are underway, but the situation with several dozen people still living at some stations on the Saltivka metro line has yet to be resolved. Exhumation of the bodies of civilians killed by the occupiers continues in the liberated suburbs. Valery Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was named one of the top 100 most influential people by Time magazine. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 88 (22.05.2022)

Muscovite forces continue shelling Kharkiv, causing injuries and destruction of buildings. The most affected are the northern outskirts of the city. Shelling of the northern suburbs of Kharkiv also continues. The regional authorities are finally talking about a need to build defensive fortifications around Kharkiv, along the border of Kharkiv region. The metro is being launched in the city, but not all people have been relocated from some subway stations. Peaceful life is gradually being established in the liberated eastern suburbs. Kidnappings and torture of people in the temporarily occupied territories of the region. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 87 (21.05.2022)

Muscovites continued striking Kharkiv throughout the day, one shell at a time. The northern suburbs are suffering again. The shelling didn’t cause any fires in the city, but there were people who were wounded. Shelling and fighting continue in the northern suburbs. The battle for Kharkiv is not over yet, and the security situation isn’t durable. However, two tram routes were launched in Kharkiv. Losses from a missile strike In Lozova, Kharkiv region, are being assessed, and they are huge. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 86 (20.05.2022)

Shelling of the city continues. The strikes are infrequent, hitting the northern outskirts. The northern suburbs are suffering more attacks, resulting in many fires. There are dead and wounded. Fighting continues to the north of the city. The muscovites want to regain lost ground, especially on the Lyptsi side. There was a powerful rocket strike on Lozova, where the palace of culture was destroyed and people were wounded. Kharkiv is restoring utilities, preparing to relaunch the subway. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 84 (18.05.2022)

The shelling of Kharkiv resumed today. The strikes were few, but they did happen. The muscovites shelled different parts of the city. At night, they attacked Selyshche Zhukovskoho. Residential houses, Kharkiv Aviation Institute buildings, the fire department, and cars were damaged. The muscovites are targeting educational institutions and State Emergency Service units. Our team of civilian infrastructure destruction documentarians has written about this before. During the day, the ruscists fired on Saltivka and Pyatykhatky, injuring three people. In the evening, there were strikes in the northern outskirts of Kharkiv. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 74 (08.05.2022)

I don’t have any information about shelling attacks on Kharkiv today—me and my friends at least haven’t heard any. It’s quiet in the city. Meanwhile, there’s a lot of shelling in the suburbs and other northern areas of the region (Bohodukhiv and its environs). There are victims: dead and wounded. The liberated settlements are receiving humanitarian aid. Fighting continues in the southeast of the region. […]