
Matrona Timofijivna, born in Kursk

Матрона Тимофіївна бажає, щоб російські матері та сестри припинили відправляти своїх синів на безглузду війну, тому що їм не потрібно бачити їхню смерть. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 139 (12.07.2022)

Muscovite shelling of Kharkiv increased slightly during the day. They launched another missile strike early in the morning at a target in Pavlove Pole. In the middle of the day, an industrial zone in the southeast of the city was shelled with rocket artillery. There are wounded. Kharkiv oligarch Oleksandr Yaroslavsky, owner of the DCH company, returned to Ukraine after fleeing in mid-February 2022 due to a car accident. The car he was likely driving hit and killed a man. […]

English Articles

Kharkiv. Chronicles of the Attack on the City. Day 138 (11.07.2022)

The day was generally calm but difficult. The muscovites shelled the northeastern outskirts of the city with rocket artillery, killing six people and injuring 31. The morning began with three rocket strikes in different areas of the city. As a result, an apartment building, a school, and warehouses were partially destroyed, school and warehouses as well. Because of the attacks, transit operations on the Saltivka metro line and a number of bus, trolleybus, and tram routes in Saltivka were temporarily suspended. Regional and city authorities announced that the new academic year in schools and universities will begin remotely. […]