Volunteers: Welcome to Lviv!
Don’t hesitate to reach out, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer. […]
Don’t hesitate to reach out, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer. […]
What was so special about the supplies, is that they were collected by the Ukrainian refugees in my German hometown. So, even when not being in Ukraine, they help their country. […]
Round table in Budapest with field experienced monitoring officers on the results of the project: Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine: Damage to cultural heritage and environment […]
A volunteer war crimes investigator shares his insights from his work in monitoring and documenting crimes against humanity and acts of genocide, and Russian war crimes in particular to this talk Adam Sybera, a Czech citizen, is a 2011 graduate of the International School of Prague. […]
The exhibition was on display in the European Parliament when the European Commission’s proposal for a €50 billion initiative to support Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction and modernisation from 2024 to 2027 was discussed by members of the committees on Budgets and Foreign Affairs on August 30. […]
Матрона Тимофіївна бажає, щоб російські матері та сестри припинили відправляти своїх синів на безглузду війну, тому що їм не потрібно бачити їхню смерть. […]
Seryozha poses for a photo in front of an elementary school in the village of Staryi Saltiv in Kharkiv region. The village was captured immediately after the start of the Russian full-scale invasion in February 2022 and was liberated in May 2022. […]
The dugout collapsed on Ukrainian soldiers and a field doctor hiding in it. The doctor suffered a mild concussion and was wounded in the leg by a fragment of a mine, however her head and her life were saved by the Croatian helmet. […]
In Kahla, in the center of Germany, known as Thuringia, 100 refugees from Ukraine found shelter and help. Since two weeks they are now organized and regularly meet. The Easter event last Sunday was a great way of coming together and enjoy the day. […]
On April 21, 2023, the VI Kharkiv International Security Forum “Fight for Minds in the Time of Full-scale Aggression against Ukraine” will be held in the heroic city of Kharkiv […]
Residents of Gdańsk, Poland, can now view “Fracture,” an exhibit of Maidan Monitoring photographs documenting the systematic destruction of Kharkiv by the Russian military. […]
Western authors can incentivize Ukrainian publishers to publish books they authored, in Ukrainian, by both decreasing publishing costs due to a royalty-free license, and guaranteeing no competition from Russian versions. As a result, books will be published in Ukrainian that otherwise would never be published. […]
When the war in Ukraine started, the country called for help and many foreign volunteers came to Ukraine to train, to help, but also to fight along their Ukrainian brothers in arms. And sometimes, they also lose their lives. One of them, a young Taiwanese volunteer, Jonathan “Tseng” Sheng-Guang-Tseng, born 1997, received the last honours today in Lviv.
Besides the medical training Task Force Yankee provides to the Ukrainian Security Forces, we recently were able to help refugees. […]
The focus of operations, conducted by Task Force Yankee Ukraine are TC3, the so-called Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Until today, over 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been trained to conduct firsthand medical care on themselves and others. […]